Fut-Ure Connect (also called as Rizing project) is one of our 4 core recruitment solutions which has helped many companies to hire technical and non-technical talent they deserve for their teams quickly and easily at a competitive fixed price per project without any additional recruitment fees.

Fut-Ure Connect Recruitment solution is primarily designed for technology service and outsourcing companies who are actively recruiting talent for their customers as well as for any other multinational or startup company which is looking for a flexible recruitment solution. With this plan, you will only pay a fixed price for the number of introductions you choose with full confidentiality and discretion of your hiring needs, and there are no placement fees. 

Fut-Ure Connect also can provide international support to our partners who are looking to hire talent from other locations. Fut-Ure Connect provides a holistic service: our process involves proactive candidate sourcing using different channels, and carefully testing and preselecting finalist candidates to ensure that they match your specific search criteria. We believe that this solution offers an ideal way for you to increase your team size quickly and cost-effectively.  

With our extensive experience and wide candidate network, we guarantee to provide you with the first shortlist of candidates within 1-3 business days when you opt Fut-Ure Connect recruitment solution.

Actually, over 90% of our Customers are happy with one of the professionals that we provide in the first Shortlist, so you can be certain that one of our Candidates will be the right one. You can hire as many professionals as you need from our shortlists at no additional costs.

Success Warranty: We have a commitment to find a professional that your Team needs. Therefore we offer a free replacement of the candidate in case of misfit for the role or their refusal to attend the initial interview.

Hiring Fut-Ure Connect service will definitely help you to have very good savings by having a fixed cost per recruitment project without any additional recruitment fees, having full ownership of the presented candidates and a possibility to hire as many as you need without any additional fees or restrictions.

If you would like to learn more about Fut-UreĀ“s team experience in fulfilling different positions, their expertise in specific industries, or their ability to recruit tech talent with specific experience, please click here.

In case you are looking for more advanced business expansion or HR solutions e.g. launching a new office in a new location or developing a a new HR project or specific technology project and you need expert advice and consultancy, please check our advanced recruitment and business solutions.



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