When it comes to the time when the interviewer asks you the mythical question: “Something you want to ask or know about the company?” and your face turns white and chills come up through your back. You stare at them answering “no, thank you”, and you know you should have said something… well, we are here to help! Here are the following questions you might want to ask a recruiter during the interview:

The first thing to keep in mind is that there are many different things that you can ask, and because of that, you can place questions into different categories. For example questions about the job, the professional development, the performance that you will be doing, the culture and the teamwork in the company. 

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About the job: 

The first thing you should have is a clear idea of what your work would be about, with these questions you can answer some of your doubts and show yourself interested in the job. 

  • What are the biggest challenges in this position?
  • What are the projects I will be working on?
  • Which challenges would I face in this position? 
  • Is it a new role, or has it already been created?

About the company: 

One thing that recruiters like is that the candidate is proactive, asking questions about the company and its expectations will give you a big advantage over other candidates. 

  • Do you expect to hire more people? 
  • Which ones are the future expectations of the company?
  • How big is the company?
  • When was it founded? 
  • History of the company?

About the professional development: 

In this section, you should come up with questions that should let you know if the position you are applying for is going to launch you to your dream position, or at least help you get there.

  •  What expectations does this position lead me into the future?
  • Is this position going to grow with the company?
  • Are there opportunities for advancement or professional development?
  • Where have employees previously in this position progressed to?

About the culture of the company:

You should be aware of the companies’ culture before accepting the position. Their culture has to fit your standards and your same points of view for you to feel comfortable in your workplace. 

  • Which ones are your mission statements and values? (Make sure you cannot find the answer with previous research) 
  • What is the company and team culture like? 
  • What is a day like in the company?
  • How would you describe the work environment of the company? Is the work typically collaborative or independent?

About the team you will be working with:

You should ask these questions in case the position you are applying for is a team position. The people you work with can make a difference in your workplace, a better place to be and feel comfortable. Before getting the job you should find out if there is the right team for you.  

  • Can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with? 
  • What are the team’s strengths and the biggest challenges? 
  • Which other departments work closely with this one?
  • Is there after work-life in the team?
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Asking questions like these ones can allow you to stand out from the rest of the applicants and show your interest! This is why the next time the interviewer says “Something you want to ask or know about the company?”, you will be able to say “yes” and ace your future interview!

We hope this advice has helped you and you feel more prepared for your next interview! 

For more Career Advice, read our blogs! 

Read also:

5 Ways to Show Your Are Truly Passionate in a Job Interview

8 Tips to succeed at your second interview 

Nail your next video-call interview with this 9 tips


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