Nowadays to succeed in job hunting you must have a good and active Linkedin profile, it is not enough to simply exist on this social network. This is the reason why we are going to help you to have the best Linkedin profile you could have. Here are 6 ways to make your Linkedin profile stand out from the rest.

- Add a headshot of yourself. This social network has only professional purposes, this is the main reason to have your picture on it, to make recruiters and companies have a first impression about you. This picture has to have good lighting and look professional, it must show your face clearly and you should communicate your personality through it.
- Come up with a catchy headline. When your profile appears in suggestions for other people, your title appears directly beneath your name, so is the first thing that people see about you. Make sure that you write the thing that defines you the best and makes it clear for people that might be interested in your profile.
- About you. There is a section on Linkedin called “About”, where you should write an interesting summary of your career story. A tip to do this is to spend some time thinking about the important things it may say and try to write them down in a way that makes readers want to know more about you. You should be aware that the keywords you write down are crucial for Linkedin to connect you with companies and industries that you are interested in. But remember that you only have 2000 characters to express yourself, and our recommendation is to use only half of them, this will help readers not quit your profile.
- Highlight your experience. Make sure you write down properly your accomplishments in your professional life. Linkedin is an extension of your resume, so make sure is better than that. Keep in mind that you should not write all your previous experiences in your work-life, just the ones that are relevant to your professional career. Once you have them in mind, describe them in 3-5 bullet points that explain the most intriguing and impressive things that you have worked on for that company.
- Costumize your personal URL. On your online address for your Linkedin profile appears some random numbers and characters for default, for that the social network has an option to customize it and make it unique for you. This makes the search engine more friendly, and it makes it easier for people to locate you. To change it, you should go to the right side of your profile, and find the option that says “edit your URL”.
- Seek out referrals and skill endorsements. Asking for recommendations is crucial to stand out from the crowd. If a company wants you, they are highly interested in hearing what you have to say about yourself and the way you work. For that, you can ask for recommendations from previous supervisors, coworkers, customers, or anyone who can vouch for your work ethic and professionalism.
Stay tuned for part 2, and remember to write for the people you want to reach! If you are looking for more Career Advice, read these other blogs!